MFE group values

Considering the importance that MFE Group holds in the economic and social landscape, we have based our growth on a strong image of transparency and rigor in carrying out our activities, operating in compliance with the laws and regulations in force in all the countries in which we operate and in accordance with the principles of loyalty, fairness, responsibility, freedom, individual dignity, and respect for all forms of diversity.

In all phases of our growth, we have set as our primary goal the protection of the interests of stakeholders, pursuing the goal of social and environmental commitment, considered a true investment that the business world is obliged to make.

In this context, we have always recognized the centrality of human resources, committing ourselves to promoting a positive and inclusive work culture and a work environment inspired by respect for people, fairness, and collaboration, within a framework of loyalty, trust, and rejection of all forms of discrimination and exploitation. We prioritize aspects such as the development of skills and professional abilities, equal opportunities, the protection of workers' psycho-physical well-being (including health and safety), their engagement, confidentiality, and the protection of personal data.

In pursuing our business strategies, we consider the importance of integrating economic growth, environmental protection, and social commitment into our development plans, aware that current choices will have a significant impact in the future. With this in mind, we are committed to applying the principles and values of sustainability in all sectors in which we operate, promoting and respecting human rights throughout the entire supply chain.

Valuing the richness of diversity, creativity, research, innovation, implementation of cutting-edge technologies, attention to young people and the environment are central factors in our activities and represent the basic principles of our way of operating as well as the key elements of the Group's leadership in the audiovisual sector.


The founding principles of our Group are articulated in the Code of Ethics, which defines the set of values that we recognize, accept, and share at all levels in the conduct of business activities. Adherence to these values is essential for the proper conduct of our activities, the reliability of management, and the image of our Group, especially considering our role in the European audiovisual and advertising market.

In the Code of Ethics, ethical principles and fundamental values are expressed, which, permeating every process of daily work, constitute essential and functional elements for the proper conduct of relationships with the companies in our Group at every level. The provisions contained therein also constitute exemplary specifications of the general obligations of diligence, fairness, and loyalty that qualify the performance of work duties and behavior in the workplace.

The adoption of the Code of Ethics stems from the belief that ethics in business conduct is a fundamental and necessary element for the success of the company. The Code of Ethics also represents a foundational component of corporate compliance programs, adopted in accordance with the applicable regulations in the legal systems of the countries of operation, based on specific procedures that oversee each individual business process, as well as the overall internal control and risk management system of the MFE Group.

The principles and provisions of the Code of Ethics, constituting a common value base for all Group companies, are binding for the members of the governing and control bodies, for employees, and for all those who operate in any capacity with our companies, regardless of the type of relationship – even temporary – that binds them to the same (e.g., collaborators, suppliers, customers, commercial partners, etc.).

MFE Group ensures the dissemination and awareness of the contents of the Code of Ethics through appropriate information, awareness-raising, and specific training activities, so that the subjects to whom it applies share, promote, and respect the principles and values expressed therein.

The Code of Ethics is valid in all countries where MFE Group operates, taking due account of their differences.